Bromsrengöring Motorex Brake Clean, sprayflaska 750 ml
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En kraftfull spray för rengöring av starkt nedsmutsade delar. Rengör och avfettar alla broms- och kopplingsdetaljer utan att lämna några rester. Tar bort olja, fett, tjära, bromsvätska etc. Angriper inte lack eller plast.
Olja Motorex Dry Power olja, droppflaska 100 ml
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Biologiskt nedbrytbara Motorex Dry Power Performance Lube - Ett syntetiskt smörjmedel av oljevax som tränger in snabbt och bildar en homogen yta som skyddar kedjan mot smuts och damm. Ger ökad smörjning i kombination med ett enastående skydd mot korrosion samt minskat slitage och nötning. Perfekt för smörjning under torra, dammiga förhållanden.
Olja Motorex City Lube olja, droppflaska 100 ml
Kontakta butiken, tel: 0346-81610
Kedjeoljan Motorex Chaninlube Allround 100 ml är ett universellt smörjmedel för kedjan, speciellt designat för kraven från daglig användning. Skyddar både kedja och andra växelkomponeneter mot korrosion och det minskar även det generella slitaget. 
Fett Motorex White Grease, burk 100 gram
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179,00 kr
Litiumbaserat vitt smörjfett speciellt för cyklar - Enastående slitagereducerande egenskaper och förblir formbar vid kalla temperaturer. Idealisk för glidlager och vevpartier.
Kopparpasta Motorex  Copper Paste, burk 100 gram
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COPPER PASTE forms an effective separating layer between metal surfaces, thus preventing corrosion, at temperatures from –40 °C to + 900 °C, and up to +1200 °C for short periods. The paraffinic base oil works at temperatures up to 280 °C. Above this, lubrication is guaranteed by the copper particles. Assembly paste for all kinds of screws, threads and...
Fett Motorex Bike Grease, burk 100 gram
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199,00 kr
Calcium-based yellow fluorescent grease with remarkable and long-lasting lubricating performance. MOTOREX BIKE GREASE 2000 is a highly water-repellent and extremely pressure-resistant grease. It offers increased oxidation resistance and very good ageing resistance. Ideal for lubricating bearings, wheel bearings, joints and headset. Neutral to elastomers...
Dämparolja Motorex Racing Shock Oil, burk 250 ml
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RACING SHOCK OIL with “3D RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY”. This completely re-engineered technology, used for the first time in the latest-generation RACING FORK OIL line, boasts a special molecular structure that facilitates innovative damping behaviour. Tractive and impact forces are no longer diverted along a zig-zag path like an accordion, but are instead...
Gaffelolja Motorex Racing Fork Oil 4W, burk 250 ml
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The new "3D RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY" boasts a special molecular structure that facilitates innovative damping behaviour. This means that tractive and impact forces are no longer diverted along a zig-zag path like an accordion, but are instead directed through a multi-level grid structure. The three-dimensional structure of the new molecular composition forms...
Gaffelolja Motorex Racing Fork Oil 2,5W, burk 250 ml
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RACING FORK OIL with the new "3D RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY" which boasts a special molecular structure that facilitates innovative damping behaviour. This means that tractive and impact forces are no longer diverted along a zig-zag path like an accordion, but are instead directed through a multi-level grid structure.
Avfettning Motorex Easy Clean rengöring, sprayflaska 500 ml
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MOTOREX EASY CLEAN is a highly active, quickly biodegradable chain and parts cleaner. EASY CLEAN is particularly effective for greasy and oily contamination. Thanks to its special formula, it penetrates the smallest gaps, dries without leaving a residue and does not have a corrosive effect. Resins are also removed as a result of its universal removal power.
Snabbrengöringsmedel Motorex Quick Clean snabbrengöring, spray 500 ml
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QUICK CLEAN is a special cleaner from Motorex, which is excellent for keeping the bike clean and in good condition, even if you do not have the possibility to clean your bike with water. The cleaner is also optimal for E-Bikes and Pedelecs, because the degree of soiling is often not so strong and a complex cleaning is not always necessary.
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